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 About Me

Hi! My name is Ellen. I'm an American living in Switzerland with my husband, Marco. I am so excited to call such a beautiful place home. My journey to Europe began during a whirlwind study-abroad semester in beautiful Roma, Italia where I met my sweet husband and fell in love with food on a deeper level. After finishing college in 2020, I decided to take the leap and re-build my life in Switzerland. 


Cooking is my daily ritual to get creative, boost my mood, and nourish my family physically and mentally. There's something incredibly satisfying about crafting a beautiful meal from simple, wholesome ingredients. I have so much fun trying out new and familiar dishes, and even more often cooking with no recipe at all! 


With so much left to learn and discover, I am starting this blog to record my experiences and connect with those of you who share an interest in multi-cultural living, a love of making and eating good food, and the itch to get outdoors and adventure.






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